Congresso Aeedc Leading the Dental World into the Future

AEEDC Dubai has rightfully earned the highest global distinction of becoming ‘The Largest
Annual Scientific Dental Conference and Exhibition in the World’. Starting 27 years ago as
The UAE International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition, over the years
AEEDC Dubai has been recognized as a beacon of knowledge and a point of reference for
dentistry experts, academicians and industry professionals from across the region and all
corners of the globe. Since its inception in 1996, AEEDC Dubai has steadily grown
alongside Dubai’s rising status as a leading healthcare destination and a pivotal scientific
hub in the region and abroad.
The fascinating journey of AEEDC Dubai over the last 2.8 decades started with modest
humble beginnings, and today reached a pinnacle of success! The UAE International
Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition – AEEDC Dubai has rightfully earned the
highest global distinction of becoming ‘The Largest Annual Scientific Dental Conference
and Exhibition in the World’. AEEDC Dubai is held every year at the Dubai World Trade
Center #DWTC in Dubai, UAE.

Titolo relazione Alessandro Cucchi
“Vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation: from analog approach to digital approach”.

Titolo relazione Giacomo Dallari

"The Perio-Restorative Interface in Multidisciplinary Dentistry

Chi parteciperà del nostro team

Giacomo Dallari

Alessandro Cucchi

Data di inizio dell'evento


Brochure dell'evento
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